Rhymba Hills at Yoga Festival

Yoga is such a hot community now. Many rave of its benefits, in terms of physical and mental. Many of my friends who are devout practitioners are much calmer and healthier individuals.
Thus, having these in mind, I decided to experience them myself. About 3 years ago, went for in total only 5 classes. Why? After the first two classes I felt dizzy and lethargic. I was puzzled. I should be feeling otherwise. I asked the teacher. He said it was me. My body is unhealthy.
Into  my fifth class and he asked us to do headstand! (wasn’t it too early??? ) I knew there and then that this teacher is not meant for me. That was why I put off yoga for awhile.
Last  weekend where I was invited to have a booth to share Rhymba Hills Lemon grass and Misai kucing Tea at a Yoga Festival. I was invited to attend any classes.  We gave samples of our Lemon Grass and Misai Kucing Tea and everyone loved it! They find it soothing and easy to drink 🙂



I managed to attend both the opening and closing ceremonies of the festival. The yoga teachers were given airtime to introduce themselves. And when the yoga guru himself, Yoga Deep, spoke, to me, it was so profound where it  struck directly into the core of my heart and soul. What was so profound? The theme of the festival itself – Live.Love.Laugh. Live in the present, love fully, and laugh freely.  Also, made new friends, Adam. Bernard, Jen Ho and Dickson (who were having their own booths)


With this, I tell myself to give yoga another try.  Perhaps I wasn’t ready 3 years ago.


Here are some pictures taken at the Festival:



At the Opening Ceremony, doing Laughter Yoga




At the Closing Ceremony, Yoga Deep giving his final sharing at the Festival



And I love this song which was sang during the closing ceremony (sorry, short video as my camera ran out of memory ) Enjoy the short clip 🙂 http://youtu.be/Ktrh62NqqU0



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