Myself with Su-Ai, carrying the goodie bags
My family has always taught me charity begins from home. With this in mind, I have been sponsoring a Form 5 student with his tuition fees for almost one year. From Day One, I requested that my identity would not be disclosed.
Thus, ever since helping him with his tuition fees, I have not seen him in person. Alas, today, I had a chance (and I still chose not to disclose my identity). With a few people from a good friend’s church, we went to pay the family a visit in conjunction with Deepavali and also to pass goodies to them.
It was a good experience to have a good chat with those from the lower income category. Their warm hearts, despite lack of material wealth, reminds me that we are all the same. The house lacks furniture, and we sat on the floor.
Ironically, on the same day itself, I went to a client’s open house. This client is very well to do.
What a day, to visit homes of two extreme end of the material world. I am truly blessed that I have my business vehicle to potentially contribute much more to the society. In fact, when I set up my company, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is part of it. We make a commitment to donate to Malaysian National Movement Disorder Society (MNMDS) every year.
With this in mind, I dream and visualise that Rhymba Hills will soon be a globally known name, so that we can reach deeper into our pockets.
A world of difference, between the have-nots, and the haves.
-Thank you for this very useful information. I learned a lot in this webpage. Thank you very much.