Another International Award Clinched – Great Taste Award 2023 by Guild of Fine Food, UK

Great news to share. We did it again! We clinched another international award, and this time, it is from United Kingdom. So now, we are both Paris and UK Award-winning Malaysian infusion tea.

Rhymba Hills® picked up a highly prized Great Taste 1-Star award after an intensive judging by a panel of more than 500 Judges over 89 days in Dorset and London.

Out of 14,195 samples from 109 countries, only 41.6% received award, and Rhymba Hills® won 3 awards!

Recognised as a stamp of excellence and actively sought out by food lovers and retailers alike, Great Taste Awards, organised by the Guild of Fine Food, values taste above all else. All products in the line-up for judging are blind tasted – every product is removed from its packaging so it cannot be identified, before entering a robust, layered judging process. Three variants emerged the winner – Rhymba Hills® Reelax, Rhymba Hills® Reevitalise and Rhymba Hills® Reefresh.

For more information on the Great Taste Awards, the link can be found here:

And thank you once again, our dear customers for supporting us all these years.