Give Blood, Saves Lives 3



We have always believe in giving back to the community. After all, profits are made from the community, thus, a certain percentage should go back to the community.


Businesses exist to make profits. Thus, it is nothing sinful to make profits, but it has to be made ethically and with integrity, so that the business can continue to be sustainable, and able to plough back to the community.


This is the third year that we are helping to organise a blood donation drive. Blood is something that money can’t buy, and yet it is the gift of life. Without blood, nothing survives.


Thus, we are very blessed to be able to be part of this meaningful event, in conjunction with Mother’s Day.


Gifts just for Mothers

Thank you those for came to support this noble cause!


Group Picture with Nurses and Doctors from National Blood Bank, Committee Members and Volunteers. (Yours Truly, in white circle)

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