Malaysia is blessed with vast agricultural land. You can find plentiful and fresh lemongrass, screwpine (locally known as pandan or Asian vanilla), ginger root easily in the local fresh market.
And what is most amazing is, these ingredients are not only used in cooking, but they can be used to make wonderful, aromatic infusion.
Go to any Thai or Nyonya restaurant in Malaysia, you can easily order a glass of freshly boiled lemongrass, to quench your thirst.
In fact, many spas serve Lemongrass and Pandan, after the customers are done with their spa session, to help the customers’ muscles to further calm down and relax. Lemongrass and Pandan have been traditionally consumed to help to loosen one’s nerves, promoting better sleep.
Roselle (which is part of the hibiscus family) contains large amounts of antioxidants, which is potent especially in times like this, the pandemic time, to support the immune system.
Therefore, depending on your needs, you may always grab your favourite Rhymba Hills tea <please click here>, which is purely and naturally caffeine free, making it your favourite herbal infusion tea in Malaysia.