We were recently invited to partner with Lorna Jane at their Pavilion Elite outlet, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, for their monthly activity.
Lorna Jane is an Australian activewear brand, which only promotes activewear for female.
Thus, when we were invited, we agreed to the collaboration, as we are very supportive of this space – healthy, natural and female group
For the month of February, they invited Jean Liew, a renowned female fitness instructor, to conduct a HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training) for a short but intensive 40 minutes complimentary class.

Right after the class ended, all the participants enjoyed the aromatic and pleasant Rhymba Hills Lemongrass Blend and Reefresh. Many were pleasantly surprised on how tasty the herbal infusions are! Lemongrass is well known to help relax muscles after a good workout. For faster recovery post exercise, please click here to read other alternative beverages.