How to Prevent Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramp is an involuntary and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax. This is a common injury among those who participate in sports especially in high speed sports, such as track and field, running, football, basketball and swimming. Muscle spasms happen due to lack of minerals (sodium), oxygen deficiency (ischemia), and lack of water in the body (dehydration).
Any of the muscle that is under our voluntary control can cramp, and cramps of the extremities, especially the legs and feet.
Almost everyone has experienced cramps in their life. This happens from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour or occasionally longer. The entire muscle or several muscles that usually act together, such as those that flex adjacent fingers and some cramps involve the simultaneous contraction of muscles that ordinarily move body part in opposite directions.
Usually muscle cramps disappear on their own and rarely serious enough to require medical care. However, preventive measures and treatment should be taken. Among these are to rest well during activities, sufficient intake of fluid such as isotonic water, food with high calcium such as milk, yogurt and soybeans. Other good treatment and preventive measures are taking a good rest before and after sports.
If muscle cramp happens during sports, use cold packs and compression of ice for 20 minutes to the skin or body. Many doctors will be recommend non-steroidal (anti- inflammatory) medication such as fish oil, lemon grass and whole grains diet. This is because lemon grass and whole grains have more fiber, which have shown to reduce levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the blood1 and reduce the related pain 2
Should you wish to try our Lemon Grass Tea, please drop us an email at or call us at +603-7859 9538. Or you can get them from our friendly distributors here. Our LemonGrass Blend Tea comes individually packed in foil (for freshness) in 20 sachets per box.
Note 1:
Note 2:,
Facts About Insomnia
A study analyzing the positive and negative effects of energy drinks on athletes has seen that, although in principle their sports performance was seen to improve by between 3% and 7%, there was also an increase in the frequency of insomnia, nervousness and the level of stimulation in the hours following competition, scientists’ report.1
Athletes’ insomnia and nervousness may also increase when athletes overtrain and do not have sufficient recovery.2
Overtraining can cause this inflammation to spread throughout your body and become chronic. This activates more immune cells to make even more cytokines. These cytokines can interfere with normal function of neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin, which helps regulate sleep and mood. Therefore, insomnia associated with overtraining may be partly due to altered serotonin function.
What is Insomnia?
Insomnia (in-SOM-ne-ah) is a common sleep disorder. Athletes who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. As a result, they may get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep. They may not feel refreshed when they wake up.
Insomnia can be acute (short-term) or chronic (ongoing). Acute insomnia is common and often is brought on by situations such as stress at work, family pressures, or a traumatic event. Acute insomnia lasts for days or weeks.
What Causes Insomnia and Treatment?
To enhance performance, many athletes consume energy drink. Athletes feel they had more strength, power and resistance with the energy drink than with the placebo drink.
However, energy drinks mainly contain carbohydrates, caffeine, taurine and vitamin Bs, with little difference in the quantities and ingredients amongst the main energy drink brands.
On the contrary to that indicated by their trade name, energy drinks do not provide more energy than other soft drinks (~40 kcal/100 ml of product), but they do have an ‘energising’ effect related to the stimulation provided by caffeine1, which may result in insomnia.
How does Lemon Grass Tea Helps with Insomnia?
Insomnia happens due to intake of too much energy drinks and overtraining. The purifying activities and calming effect of lemongrass helps improve sleep.
Lemon Grass is a good source of vitamins A and C, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins. It is packed with so much goodness that it can help improve with chronic Insomnia conditions and soothes tired muscles.
This plant has certain anti-septic compounds that effectively kill the harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites) in the digestive tract, yet preserving the beneficial bacteria. Take Lemon Grass Tea during mid morning and mid afternoon to feel more relax.
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