We were recently invited to BFM89.90
The only business radio station in Malaysia, to share about our journey, to update our last time we were on air, back in 2016.
Preparing for the interview was refreshing. It made us sit down and think for the past 3 years, the accomplishments we had achieved and our trials and tribulations.
When we were invited, our intention was mainly two fold: to inspire other entrepreneurs to follow their dreams, and also to share to consumers about the difference between tea and herbal infusions.
The producer for the session, Arvindh, did an excellent job of asking questions that many customers are not aware (and mind you, he did not give us the list of questions before hand!)

All in all, the interview went well, and we received many personal messages, saying that they finally understood what is herbal infusion! LOL
To listen to the podcast, click here